North Bay United Pentecostal Church

The United Pentecostal Church of North Bay is a church that believes in One God, and His name one, JESUS CHRIST. We believe in the infallible word of God, the Bible, and we strive to be like Christ.

Our Vision

Our Vision: is to share this same Gospel with as many people as we can, in obedience to the great commission where Jesus commissioned his disciples to Go and teach, and baptize in the Name of Jesus (water baptism) and pray until they are baptized with the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Holy Ghost).
We strive to do as the early church was doing; going from house to house, making disciples of all nationalities and people (Matthew 28:19 ) 

Our Mission

Our Mission:

To be a representative for the Kingdom of God.

To fulfill the Great commission as outlined above and to be ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, being a mediator between God and man in our city.

To teach and preach the Word of God.

To prepare others for the coming of the Lord.


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